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Annotated Transcript

Fall 2018

ED 800: Concepts of Educational Inquiry

ED 800 was the first graduate level class I took, and also my first of three classes with Dr. Weiland. Dr. Weiland sets his classes up so that students can complete the work at their own pace. The intent of the class was to introduce different educational theories, and how these can be used. The class consists of 6 "units", each ending with a paper. My biggest take away from this class was that I developed the ability to pace myself in a course without the guidance of an instructor. Set me up nicely for my future online learning.

Fall 2018

KIN 857: Promoting Positive Youth Development in Sports

I had a great experience in KIN 857. I don't ever plan on coaching at the youth level, but I picked up more coaching skills in this class than I did any other. The major project of this class was to Develop a Program Proposal for a Youth Team. This gave me valuable practice in practice planning, and yearly preparation.

Spring 2019

KIN 865: Stages of Athlete Development

KIN 865 was a good class to take right after taking KIN 857, because it had similar ideas and content to each other. I was able to expand my understanding of how, and when, young athletes develop. This class also helped me understand what type of drills and practices young athletes should be doing, and when to progress to the next stage of drill work.

Spring 2019

EAD 801: Leadership and Organizational Development

A huge part of coaching is leadership ability, and EAD 801 really helped me develop my leadership style. In this class we were able to learn what it means to lead, and how people use different styles to lead. I was then able to choose what style of leadership I liked most, and use it.

Fall 2019

EAD 860: Concept of Learning Society

My second class with Dr. Weiland was the same format as the first, but with my experience from ED 800 I was more prepared. Coach D used to say coaching is just teaching, so learning how people view learning, and learn best, is very applicable to my career. This class forced me to look at learning in a new way.

Fall 2019

EAD 878: Education in the Digital Age

My final class with Dr. Weiland introduced me to more vast examples of digital learning. This class quickly become important to me once COVID-19 took over our lives. I was able to use some of the tools I learned in these classes and apply them to real life. This class helped me coach the players online during the pandemic.

Spring 2020

KIN 854: Legal and Administrative Issue's of Coaching

It is extremely important for a coach to understand all the legal implications of the position they are in. This class was more focused on youth coaches, because a lot of the medical and work load restrictions are not handled by the coach of a college football team. This will be useful because it will help me relate to the struggles of high school coaches during recruiting.

Spring 2020

KIN 868: Skill Development in Athletes

This class was a full circle opportunity for me. I was also an undergraduate at Michigan State, and I took classes with Dr. Driska. It was a fulfilling experience to see how much I have learned about coaching through the years. The main focus of this class was how athletes learn a skill. The biggest take away from this class was that every drill in practice, at the level I am coaching at, should represent an actual game movement.

Summer 2020

KIN 829: Safety and Injury Control

The number one job of a coach is to keep their players safe, and this class helped prepare me to do that. This course reinforced that a lot of player safety is always preparation and planning on the part of the coach. A coach can not eliminate injuries, but can reduce them if they put their players in safe situations.

Fall 2020

ED 870: Capstone Seminar

Coming into ED 870 I really didn’t have any expectations. I am happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised. I think the concept is fantastic, and gives me an opportunity to showcase myself. I will be using this site in the future, with intentions of it helping me get a job.

Annotated Transcript: Education
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